about the webmaster

winter firefly

hello! i'm known as many things on the internet nowadays. for the sake of this website, you can call me Beetle. i am a big fan of bugs, machines, and miscellaneous web things.

my favorite color is teal  and my current favorite song is Hazy Skycraper (remix) by weevildoing. you can summon me with recipes, hand puppets, and hot fruity tea.

Watching: Perry Mason
Reading: N/A
Listening to:

graphics collection

flash warning. hover or click for credits.

about this site

the main font used is DOS/V re. ANK24.
other fonts used are garage shock, punk rock handwriting, Sans-serif, and Comic Sans MS.

backgrounds are from Texture Town and Goblin Heart (previously sadgrl).
most graphics (photos, web stamps, blinkies, etc.) have credits linked or came from me. i do not own all uncredited photos.

some code was modified from by other people. this includes: the windows 98 css.